Despite half-baked stories in corporate and state media threatening disruption to the London Marathon and pitting “good” protesters against “bad”, four days of mass peaceful protest organised by Extinction Rebellion passed by without arrests, but plenty of movement-building.

XR have promised to return to more disruptive action, this time supported by a wider range of civic organisations, after the government ignored the group’s Monday deadline for meaningful action.

For a tiny flavour of the weekend, we host two films by independent film-makers. Many thanks to them for contributing.

First Jo Syz presents beautiful images in his ‘Unite To Survive’ film

Film by Jo Syz

And Zeina Hurst filmed the Bristol Climate Choir who taught their songs to a large crowd, to remind us that “Singing is a powerful way of changing hearts and minds”.

Film by Zeina Hurst

Please check out our other guest post – Pasqueline Agostinho’s interview with Greenpeace co-executive director Areeba Hamid on the issue of women and climate justice.