Israel began bombing the southern part of Ghazzah at the weekend – an area packed with nearly one and a half million people, most already displaced several times in their search for safety, shelter and food.

Western leaders have been complicit in Israel’s genocide of the Palestinian people, continuing to provide arms and aid while at the same time defunding UNRWA on the basis of dubious and unproven allegations. But even some genocidal cheerleaders have indicated unease as Nethanyahu orders the bombing and invasion of Ghazzah’s last remaining refuge.

Protest call went out at lunchtime

Yesterday, with just a few hours’ notice, thousands of British people took to the streets for a rally outside Downing Street at 5.30. There they heard a succession of short speeches from activists, politicians and trade unionists.

After an hour, organisers told the crowd – which had grown to take over one side of Whitehall – to go home. Many refused, and a police line keeping them back from the Downing Street gates had to give way. For at least another hour, Whitehall was closed to traffic, and people chanted in front of a huge Palestinian flag and a banner that read ‘Israel Leave The 1.4 Million Of Rafah Alone’. Eventually, more officers arrived and conditions were imposed to force the protest off the road.

The next UK national march gathers at Marble Arch at noon on Saturday.