MPs serving in the outgoing Parliament have been joined by other prominent politicians in a statement published this week expressing their continued opposition to Donald Trump being given the honour of a state visit to Britain, as the US President marks 100 days in office this Saturday.
Prominent signatories to the statement saying that “Racism, Islamophobia, antisemitism, sexism, misogyny, homophobia, war mongering, climate change denial, attacks on human rights or policies that will deepen poverty and inequality should not be rewarded or celebrated by our government” include Diane Abbott MP, Dennis Skinner MP, David Lammy MP and Baroness Kinnock.
Maz Saleem, spokesperson for Stand Up to Trump, said “Trump has already committed numerous war crimes and has massively escalated the bombing in the Middle East – his warmongering is a threat to the entire world. – He has pursued a racist, Islamophobic and otherwise bigoted agenda home and abroad.”
She added, “It is vital that we build a broad and sustained movement that maintains the opposition to Trump. Our primary goal is to build the pressure for a cancellation of the State Visit, but if it does goes ahead, we will be ready to mobilise on a massive scale.”
Commenting on Trump’s first 100 days in office, Sabby Dhalu, Joint Secretary of Stand Up to Racism, said: “With the Muslim ban, Mexican wall, failing to condemn anti-Semitism and insidious proposals such as the “Victims of Immigration Crime Engagement”, Donald Trump’s administration is dripping with racism, Islamophobia and anti-Semitism.
“Racist and misogynistic attacks are on the rise in the US – it is these attacks that need to be monitored. Thankfully the American people are rising up against Trump’s presidency. We stand in solidarity with these people and all those mobilising against Trump across the globe.”
Lindsey German, Convenor of the Stop the War Coalition added, “Trump has launched new attacks on Yemen, Afghanistan and Syria. Thousands have been killed and injured through US bombing of Mosul. He now threatens potential nuclear war over Korea. Trump is a dangerous warmonger and his special relationship with Britain must be broke.”