The Israeli ambassador in the UK, Tzipi Hotovely, is known for her uncompromising Zionist position, with numerous utterances which demonstrate complicity in the war crimes that multiple international agencies accuse Israel of committing. She claimed recently that there is no humanitarian crisis in Gaza, and has defended the possibility of Israel killing as many as 600,000 civilians.

Ambassador Tzipi Hotovely

Ireland has already effectively expelled Hotovely’s counterpart after Israel was forced to close down its embassy due to Ireland’s position on the occupation and bombing of Gaza.

Last year Member of Parliament Zarah Sultana called for the expulsion of Hotovely after the ambassador claimed that the 1948 Nakba was “an Arab lie”, and that when challenged over plans to destroy the whole of Gaza, responded “Do you have another solution?”

In London, the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network began weekly protests outside Hotovely’s residence more than a year ago. Police imposed conditions, moving the picket a few minutes’ walk away, and Real Media filmed at their 62nd week of protest, where despite icy temperatures, around a hundred Jewish people and allies gathered for open mic speeches and chanting.

As per usual, the picket was heavily policed, and attracted a small group of Zionist-sympathisers who taunted participants, filmed everything, and made various allegations to the numerous police officers attending.

Over the year, several Jewish people have been arrested, most notably Professor Haim Bresheeth, who is the son of Jewish holocaust survivors. After a complaint by Zionists, he was dragged away by police and arrested under Terrorism legislation after his speech at the event. The week before we filmed, well-known Jewish anti-genocide campaigner Yael Khan was also arrested. No-one has actually been charged with any offences, but like others before, they are ‘under investigation’ with bail conditions not to attend the weekly rallies.

On the night we were there, police acted on the contested allegation that one of the Zionists had been called “a baby killer’. A young man in the crowd was told he must give his details to be summoned to a police station for an interview under caution, or face arrest.

Despite the intrusive filming and aggression of the counter-protesters, the picket had a peaceful and safe atmosphere, thanks to the work of representatives of Women Of Colour in the Global Women’s Strike who run a safety team for mothers, children, and people with disabilities.

A wide array of people spoke, with campaign news, latest information out of Gaza, and call-outs of solidarity. Among the speakers on Friday was a Jewish woman who was born during the holocaust in Budapest. Health workers called for Israeli medical organisations to be banned from international forums, after it emerged that dozens of Israeli doctors had signed a letter urging the IDF to bomb Al-Shifa hospital, and describing Gaza as a “hornet’s nest”.

Mention was also made of the arrest, imprisonment and torture at the hands of the IDF, of the head of the Kamal Adwan hospital in Gaza, Dr Hussam Abu Safiya. See Real Media’s coverage of his abduction. We heard the sad news that his mother has had a heart attack and passed away.

Speakers also referenced the role of the media, and in particular the BBC, in promoting Israeli propaganda and failing to report on the extent of war crimes and genocide taking place. Last week of course, leaked emails have suggested internal pressure at the BBC for journalists to avoid the use of the word ‘genocide’, allegedly coming from Global News Director Jonathan Munro who has been linked to a CIA organisation and accused of overt sympathies with Israel.

As far back as November last year the Palestine Solidarity Campaign had organised their next national march, to begin outside the BBC headquarters on 18th January, but recent pressure on the Metropolitan Police has caused them to issue a ban, on the basis that visitors to a synagogue several streets away would be subjected to “serious disruption”.

At time of writing, PSC have announced their march will now meet at midday on Saturday in Whitehall, with the intention of marching TO the BBC, and police have stated that they intend to enforce conditions which would prevent this.

John McDonnell has tabled an early day motion (EDM 633 “Right To Protest Outside the BBC”) and march organisers are urging people to write to their MPs asking them to sign it.

Several speakers at Friday’s rally spoke about the ban, and expressed their intention to gather and protest at the BBC on Saturday whatever.

IJAN plan to continue their weekly vigils until Hotovely is expelled, and support is welcomed at 5.30pm on Fridays outside Swiss Cottage station near the Hampstead Theatre.